Saturday, March 1, 2014

Wimp Or Warrior - Part 5 - When God say's "GO!"

Let me take a moment and set up the stage for you.  You’re in the military, special ops; you’re just about to make a raid on a building against an unknown amount of enemies.  You believe with all your heart in what you are doing and you have a mission to enter, and recover an item.  You stand at the edge of the door and wait, you wait for the call of your commanding officer and not until he says the word GO do you make a move.  You have been training, preparing, pushing yourself to get to this point where before you is an unknown ending, but you’re ready – because you are prepared for battle.
A little side note here, I work with a lot of military men and women – and am friends with many as well.  The men I work closest too just happen to be Marines.  I keep seeing a recurring theme with these men, and it intrigues me enough to liken their behavior to that of a warrior in the army of Christ.  When there is an obstacle, it seems that they instinctively find a way around it with whatever means necessary.  They take orders from their leader and they follow it, an obstacle is just a wall to climb.  I’m sure in the darkness of war, these brave men and women didn’t sit behind the warfront reading a book on the ins and outs of battle, they trained, and trained, and when the day arrived – they waited for the call to GO – and they did.
What are you choosing to listen to as your commanding officer?  The world, your job, the bible?
Here’s something that might wreck your theology… The world is not the commanding officer you should be following, and certainly your job is not a God you should be serving, not even the bible should be the ultimate authority in your life – if you are living out your faith by chasing after every word you read in the bible – you’re chasing death.  God is life – and God is the ULTIMATE authority.  A spirit filled believer is alive because of the spirit – not because of a book.  Raised by humans, and becoming products of our environments, we get so used to – and tied up in rules.  If you don’t do X the way the rule book says C is the result.  I’m not saying rules aren’t good to have, but what I am saying is that the more I learn about God and who he is, the more I’m learning that listening to him and his direction is proving to be way more powerful and rewarding than trying to find him in some random written texts.
Being a warrior for Christ is a lot like that.  We can read the rulebook and never get out of our comfy church pew, or we can be true warriors and go out into the world and do.
What holds many Christians back from doing what God is calling us to is the fear of what other people might think.  But if you are really ready and willing to follow after God with all of your heart there is one thing that you’re going to have to be ready for – opposition.  Our military doesn’t go into war without facing opposition – and neither do we.  Facing opposition is as necessary to battle as the training that leads up to it.  But why the battle – aren’t Christians supposed to be peace loving, kind and gentle pushovers?  Nooo – I think we established that in the first few blogs in this series.  If you didn’t read those yet, click on the links at the bottom of this page to catch up.   Let me challenge your thinking here for a minute – if you really feel Christianity is all about peace, and not about being tough, trained warriors, then you must also believe that the world is a safe place?  There are no predators that rape and molest, no murderers who kill just because you don’t have the right hair color?   No babies in war torn countries that are being sold into slavery and starving to death?  If none of that existed, we could provide earth with the “heaven on earth” as the bible declares it will be one day.  But for now, we are called to be warriors, we are called to face opposition, we are called to train so that when he says “GO” we will be ready.
I can only imagine what Jesus must have gone through when God said GO.  Leaving his heavenly throne to join us here on earth as a mere baby.  His first days were filled with being hidden from the horrible ruler Herod who wanted him murdered for fear of his great power.  Then throughout his thirty something years here on earth he was hated and mocked, and ultimately set up for crucifixion – all because he was following after God’s GO.  But he had a plan; he knew the end of the story.  Don’t you – when you know what an end result is going to be, find that you have the drive and willpower to get that job accomplished?  That’s what Jesus did.  Jesus endured all of that – just for you. 
So what “GO” do you think God is calling you to today?  Have you ever taken the time to get quiet with him and see where he wants to lead your life?  Do you really think that your life here is about being a “good person”?  Is that what you’re going to church for?  Don’t feel condemned by that – I’ve been there – I thought church was to make life perfect – if I did all the right things – I’d be blessed.  But I was missing the point.  This life is not about you – you were put on this planet to fulfill a purpose, a destiny, a calling.  Don’t say no to God because the people in your circle aren’t going to like your decision – be strong and courageous – do not be terrified – for the Lord your God will be with you WHEREVER you go!  There is no place on earth that God will send you to that he will leave you abandoned.  He is ALWAYS with you.
When God says Go – you might find that you’re breaking the natural rules that you have been holding on to – breaking off the legalism and freeing you to be who he is calling you to be
Maybe part of the problem is that you don’t know what the end result is like Jesus did.  The Go choice in front of you is a huge risk – it usually is.  But if it’s truly God calling you to it, the end result is definitely going to be worth it – and in your obedience He will bless you along the way.  God’s plan for your life is to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you a hope and a future.
 I have a challenge for you… knowing where I was as a baby Christian, the thought of hearing God’s voice was a bit foreign to me.  I thought God speaking was only something special that he did in the bible, to very special people.  I want you to know that YOU are hearing from God – and you are capable of having dialogue with him on an ongoing basis.  He is your best friend and your most amazing resource living right within you.  If you are not currently in a bible teaching, spirit filled church, I challenge you to search one out.  Start your journey of knowing who God is and honing in his voice within you.  Through the pages of the bible, you can start learning about who God is.  God is love, God is justice, God is peace. 
God is also the ultimate master of war and victory.  War games are not only physical, but mental. It’s time to change your mindset – change your perception and become empowered.  Fill your mind with the goodness of who God is and be blessed by the eternal sacrifice that he has laid out for you in Jesus Christ.  If you are weak minded and wishy washy, God has no use for you at this point of the battle front.  It’s time to get strong, its time to start training.  Do yourself and your destiny a favor and mark this day as a new starting point – set your focus on the victory marker on the mountaintop and start climbing.  Never lose your focus on what God has called you to – he didn’t give up when he marched himself to the cross to be slain to save you from a life in hell.  Your strength and your victory will give onlookers the power to start their own journeys and be set free from the bonds of hell that this world puts us in.  No more wimpy Christianity – you are called to be a warrior – you are called to fight!

Jesus!  YOU are the ultimate warrior – the ultimate example of victory – you trained – you fought – and you won!  And as a result we earn the benefits of your struggle – your holy spirit who resides within us.  Lord I pray that I can mark this day as a turning point in my life; that I can have you Jesus living within me – empowering me to become the mighty warrior that you have called me to be.  Open my spiritual ears to hear your voice and to have dialogue with you.  Help me to see the rewards that you have waiting for me – give me a focal point that grabs my attention so strongly that I will never want again what I may leave behind.  In the name of Jesus I have power and strength to push through the obstacles that lay ahead of me – and a strength and determination to get up if I get knocked down.  Surround me Lord with people who will support me when I am weak and cheer with me when I am strong.  Help me to realize that no matter what battle you are calling me to – that I am NEVER alone I my calling – that you Lord have a support unit for me.  You loved me enough God to send Jesus to rescue me – I ask for the fire of the holy spirit to ignite itself within me and give me the drive and the passion I need to accomplish your will.  In the powerful and victorious name of Jesus I pray – AMEN!


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