Friday, January 3, 2014

He's not mad at you...

"And a voice from heaven said, "This is my Son, whom I love; with him I am well pleased.""  Matthew 3:17
      Well pleased... are those words that you have longed to hear from your dad?  Words that just reading about makes your heart rage with jealousy at the pain of never having them spoken to you by your own dad?  I don't need to tell you that we live in a society full of broken and hurting men.  Men that have been raised by other broken and hurting men, many of which have longed to hear the words "I love you", "I'm proud of you".  I can't make excuses as to why you never got the chance to hear those words, but what I can do is offer you some truth and hope that you receive it.  I believe that people in general have trust issues with God because of the earthly relationships that we've been given with our own fathers.  Cold, distant, maybe neglective, abusive or a substance abusive dad.  Do any of these sound familiar?  A father should be a direct representation of our father in heaven, and unfortunately many fall short of who they have been called to be.  But who your father on earth is, is not the same character as who your father in heaven is.
     "For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through him.  Whoever believes in him is not condemned, but whoever does not believe stands condemned already because he has not believed in the name of God's one and only Son."  John 3:17-18  I know to you that this verse may not make any sense - in fact you're probably reading this and wondering why you're forcing yourself to read through scripture, but hold on for just a minute and let me share my heart with you.  This verse in John - is telling you that God sent Jesus to rescue you.  He saw you where you are today - right here in this very moment in time.  He saw all the pain you're in and he wants you to know that you are loved and valued beyond measure.  You read that right - your daddy in heaven is so proud of you!  Believing in God doesn't have to be a scary thing.  He's asking that you believe that he sent his son - and for you to believe in his son Jesus - not so he can punish you - but because he loves you.  It's those of you that are too stubborn to believe that will be punished.  When  you breathe your last breath, if you have refused to accept that Jesus came to this world to save you, the death that you fear will be far worse a death than you could ever imagine.  A life in Christ saves you from having to spend an eternity in hell.  I'm not just saying this because I'm a happy go lucky - fake smile plastered on christian, I'm saying this because I have lived through hell.  I have lived through the heavy hand of a father, spinning my wheels trying to please him - to get quality time with him and hear - "I'm proud of you".  Please don't turn me away - I know that this is not an easy subject... I know your pain and how much it hurts, and what I'm hoping you'll hear is this - none of the perceptions about who God is as a tyrannic, mean, punishing God are true.  The God of the universe had only one son - and he sent him to earth because he saw us here dying.  So he sent Jesus to die so that we cold be reclaimed to him and spend an eternity with him in heaven.  He loved YOU enough to do that.  Could you do the same with your only child?  Send them light years away from you - to suffer and be hated?  But God did that for you!  He couldn't stand seeing you hurting like you are - His heart broke and he had a plan.
Maybe you think that none of this is for you - who cares about a stupid god - and who cares about religion or church.  This isn't about religion or church... it's about you - its about getting you out of the rut that you're in and showing you that there is life beyond the pit that you're in right now.  God is NOT mad at you - he doesn't hate you - you read that right - GOD DOES NOT HATE YOU!  The raw deal you may have been given in this life is not because God did that to you - it's because our world is a fallen world that needs Jesus to make it better.  The character of God is love - so if what you're receiving from the world isn't love - then it's not from God.  It's time to get yourself back in right standing with God - will you take my hand and pray with me - let me help you get out of your pit.
     Heavenly Father; Daddy, Abba, we cry out to you... the pain i've suffered has tormented and tried to destroy me, but God today is a new day and a new beginning.  I choose to accept Jesus Christ as my savior.  I want to be your child - adopted into your kingdom and treated with love like a good daddy does.  Heal my broken and wounded heart and teach me the truth of who you are Lord.  In the name of Jesus I declare that I am set free from the bondage of pain and shame that I have carried.  Let me be at rest in your presence and shown your love.  In Jesus name Amen.

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