Did you hit
your brick wall yet? Don’t look around –
yes I’m talking to you. The one holding
the remote, diving your hand into those high calorie snacks, having your little
pity party because you’ve tried everything and nothing seems to be
working? Yes – I’m talking about the D
word… Dieting. We’ve seen the
infomercials, read thousands of articles, commiserated over our weight loss
woes with friends and co-workers, but maybe there’s a diet you just haven’t
tried yet… What if dieting became less about how you look in the mirror, and
more about causing your body to worship God?
Psalms 103 says, “Praise the Lord, O my soul; all my inmost being,
praise his holy name. Praise the Lord, O
my soul, and forget not all his benefits – who forgives all your sins and heals
all your diseases, who redeems your life from the pit and crowns you with love
and compassion, who satisfies your desires with good things so that your youth
is renewed like the eagles.”
Remember the
days of your youth, when life was carefree – you ate what you wanted and just
felt great? Wouldn’t it be great to feel
like that again? In this Psalm, it tells
even our inmost being to praise the Lord.
Our inmost being – our insides – not just our heart and our mind – but
all that is within us is to praise God.
When the spirit of God is living within us, we have the power to heal,
and we can co-labor with God in worshipping him by taking steps to improve our
health and begin healing. What the devil
has stolen, it’s time to take back my friends.
Is there an organ in your body that isn’t working the way it
should? Do you have high cholesterol or
blood pressure? Or are you simply
frustrated by those pounds that aren’t shedding – and you’ve tried – and tried
again to lose them.
Let’s start
with the matter of your heart. Pull out
a sheet of paper for this one – I want you to look inside yourself to pull out
the answers to this. Ready?
Why are you
wanting to lose weight? Health reasons,
you don’t like who you see in the mirror, your loved ones complain about your
size, be honest with yourself – God knows your honest answer – be honest with
him – he doesn’t mind. In fact, the more
honest you can be with the one who created you, the more you’ll discover how
much he cares about you and wants to hear from you. Weight can be such a sensitive subject – but
God knows all about how you feel – he created you – he created your feelings.
Ok, so
enough with the psychology chair for now… pull yourself up by your bootstraps
and lets get working on the best new you ever!
Love the
Lord your God with all your mind – and love yourself too. The mind is the hardest thing to force into
compliance with Gods word. Sometimes it
takes a lot of work, and a lot of reminders to make your brain do something that
it’s not used to. Start by getting bossy
with your mind – In the name of Jesus – I declare my mind has come into
compliance with the Holy Spirit, and I am a child of God, an heir to the
throne. I have the mind of Christ and I
am determined to follow after and worship him.
Your mind can be the biggest hurdle in weight loss. The not wanting to work out, the not wanting
to change eating habits etc.… you know your excuses. Give yourself a reason to change – and be
reasonable. Start out with a weekly goal
– and don’t be discouraged if you miss it – just move the deadline and make
sure you follow through. Get an
accountability partner to help spur you on – especially in your moments of
Love the
Lord your God with all your heart. Loving
God with your heart is the most basic form of worship to him. When you love God with your heart, you
radiate his glory – you glow. Take a
moment and just close your eyes, tell God how much you love him and feel how
you glow in the moment. Note how good you
feel when you do this.
All that
is within you:
Can you
imagine if all of your organs started worshipping God in the same way that your
heart can? Can you imagine how good that
would feel? Close your eyes again and
imagine that – imagine your kidneys and your liver – worshipping the Lord
because they are full of health and life.
Can you feel the radiance of health and life that could be flowing from
every cell within you?
How, you
might be asking, can you create something within yourself like this where every
part of you worships the Lord? How can
you take that step forward and say Yes to God and his desire for you to be
healthy? Stand up and declare it today –
that from this moment forward, you are going to worship God by getting healthy. Start by taking control of what goes in to
your body and start becoming aware of the toxins that are in the direct and
indirect things that you ingest.
Step 1: You are what you eat… have you ever taken
time to consider what you wash your dishes with? I looked on the label of my dishwashing
liquid to find that it was made with sodium silicate and Chlorine bleach. Have you ever run a load of dishes and had a
nice cold beverage – in a nice clean glass – and tasted the leftover remains of
soap that remains on the glass? I have,
and one day it gave me an awful headache, my heart started racing, and I was
dizzy – I had been poisoned. Our organs
are taking in that poison and dispersing it throughout our bodies – that’s
definitely not a healthy way to worship God.
But never fear there are organic products out there. Find one that is biodegradable and made from plant-based
products - just Google it.
What other
kind of poisons are you putting into your body?
Are you a smoker? A heavy
drinker? Or use some other kind of
poison? How are those things worshipping
God, when you know that they’re poison?
Yes these things are hard to put down – especially when you have had
them as a habit – but God is greater than any weakness that we have – and he can
help you get healthy, but you need to take the first step. He’s not going to do it for you – but he will
be with you every step of the way.
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"Read Measurement Markings from Above" Let God show you how he sees you |
How is this
all tying into the best diet ever?
Because the best diet to have is really not a diet – it’s a healthy
lifestyle. It’s a mindset of realizing
that your body is a temple that the Lord longs to dwell in – and everything
that you do to abuse your body – is abusing the Holy Spirit that lives inside
of you. Take a moment to think about
that. When you go into a church, or a
holy place – what do you do in there?
How do you act? Why? Think of your body in the same terms as you
would think of the church – holy. “Do
you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom
you have received from God? You are not
your own; you were bought at a price.
Therefore honor God with your body.”
1 Corinthians 6:19-20
Christians, we are commanded to honor God with our bodies. Let that work itself into your brain and
allow it to renew your mindset. Would
you bring garbage to a temple and leave it there? Or do you bring only the best to the
temple? The choice really is yours to
make – but I truly believe that once you start to have a reverence for your
body as being a temple for the Holy Spirit to reside in, making healthy life
choices will become as natural as breathing.
aware of what we put on and in our bodies is becoming increasingly important in
a world where pesticides, harsh chemicals and environmental toxins are
unavoidable. We can’t control the world
but we can filter what goes in to our temples by being diligent to be aware of
the things we consume. It does take work
– and it takes a conscious effort. But
isn’t your health – and God, worth all the effort it takes?
Step 2: Quit eating or at least cut back on processed
foods! Look at the label – what do you
see? What kinds of ingredients are you
ingesting when you eat those items dubbed as “healthy”? I was shocked when I took a nutrition class
for college. It opened my eyes to
realize how blind society has become to believing what we’re told. Foods that are labeled or advertised as being
good for you – Don’t be a sheep and follow the herd on this one. Those preservatives and additives that they
put in processed foods – are not really what they’re cracked up to be. Honestly – we read the labels looking for
sugars and fats and fibers – but have you ever dissected the ingredients on the
back of those labels and what they mean?
What is ascorbic acid – or guar gum?
What do they do? Are they really
a healthy item to be putting into our bodies?
Does it gross you out to know that some of the fillers that go into
foods derive from sawdust? Now that’s
some serious fiber right there! Linked
to this blog is a fabulous website that allows you to print and read about many
additives in our foods and their safety levels and what should be avoided. It may change the way you look at what you
are eating – check it out at www.cspinet.org/reports/chemcuisine.htm
Other great
resources that I love are tracking sites.
You can log in to these and enter in the foods that you’re eating, track
your exercise, and they will give you a picture of the amount of calories and
nutrition on your intake, as well as the calories burned during exercise. With these tools, you can begin to monitor
how – what you are eating effects the amount of exercise you need to reach your
goal weight. A “watched pot may never
boil” – but tracking numbers like these lead to results. My personal favorite of the two websites is WWW.Livestrong.com/myplate, or www.supertracker.usda.gov/default.aspx will offer you similar functions.
It’s so easy
to get caught up into the zombie zone of weight loss – and kudos to you for
deciding to make a change and becoming a healthier you – but don’t forget that
the one who created you – adores you – and he wants you to know how much you
are loved every single day – just as you are.
View yourself through God’s eyes, worship him and love him – and he will
give you all the help you need to reach your dreams.
Daddy, You
created us to be healthy and happy and loved.
In the name of Jesus, I pray that we be blessed with your strength and
power to change things in our lives that are making us unhealthy, and allowing
negativity into our lives. Help us to
heal, help us to grow, and most of all, help us to feel your love radiating
within our hearts as we grow closer to you – I declare over my body that it is
a temple of the Holy Spirit and I will honor you by co-laboring with you to
make myself healthy and whole. Enlighten
me to make good choices, and bring me peace.
Help me to view myself from your eyes daddy, you call me beautiful, you
call me perfect, you call me beautifully and wonderfully made, help me to
believe those words. In Jesus name Amen!
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