Friday, December 13, 2013

Spiritual Warfare - Conquering your demons...

You have the power!
Fear, anxiety, stress, self doubt, self loathing, depression, hate, anger, addiction- the list of negativity can go on. These are all facets which allow a foothold for the demonic to enter and wreck havoc in your life. I'm not saying that if you have a negative lifestyle that you are demonically oppressed, but I am saying as a believer, this is the gateway for their entry and if you feel overwhelmed, there IS help!

Many Christians do not realize that they can be oppressed by demons. Why? Because the church doesn't teach them and as a result, they do nothing to stop this oppression, which leaves them at the mercy of the Devil. God wants us to come into maturity in our understanding of satan and his demons. He wants us to enforce His victory over their kingdom of darkness. He wants us to know the Truth and the Truth shall make us free. He wants us to grow in maturity and faith and to appropriate His freedom by casting out the demons.

Many people question whether Christians can “have” a demon. A Christian cannot be possessed by demons because possession implies ownership. A Christian is “owned” by God the father. God tells us that we were bought with a great price. However, Christians can be oppressed by demons if they have provided any open doors or legal ground through which demons can work. To stop demonic oppression, the legal ground must be reclaimed. Here is a fantastic article and other resources on how to recognize, lay the foundation for change and take victory over your life once again...... 

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