Thursday, December 26, 2013

Wimp or Warrior

Advancing God's kingdom is not for wimps.  Do you have what it takes?
"From the days of John the Baptist until now,
the kingdom of heaven has been forcefully advancing, and forceful men lay hold of it."
Matthew 11:12

   Forceful... that's not a word that many think of when they think of a Christian is it.  I feel that the typical image we have of a Christian is a meek mannered, calm, pushover of a person who is easy to manipulate and take advantage of.  Am I hitting this about right?  
   As a Christian, so much in the bible talks about listening to the shepherd and being His flock, that we tend to adopt what I am going to call a sheep mentality.  What do sheep do?  They move about together in a herd, going to and fro, easily frightened, victim to predatory attacks.  This is NOT the way a Christians life needs to be - if you're living your life under these pretenses, are you finding yourself frustrated with the constant wave of battles that come your way?  What would happen if you changed it up a little and started living your life on the offense instead of dealing with the waves of defensive actions you're stuck in because you're a weak  sheep!  Yeah I said it - and Yes I meant to offend you!   What are you going to do - read on or turn me off?  Either way you're not hurting my feelings - but only a true warrior will push past the offense and read on... sheep.
   Jesus was the ultimate lamb so that we don't have to be (John 1:29).  You may feel that Jesus was an innocent victim that should not have been murdered on the cross.  Read closer my friends, he gave himself up on the cross.  He was in total control.  Being a man, Jesus was not looking forward to being slain on the cross - who of any of us would look to death and be all in?  But Jesus said Yes to God - so that he could set us all free from the sin that traps us from being able to be in His kingdom.  In his peacefulness, Jesus was forcefully advancing the kingdom of heaven.  Whipped, mamed and beaten, he still carried his cross to where he was to be crucified.  He had a plan to carry out.  Does that sound like something a sheep would do?  He sounds like more of a mighty warrior than a sheep to me.  But ultimately, he was slain, he became our ultimate sacrifice so that we don't have to be.  Because of Jesus' death on the cross we are made warriors - overcomers of the world when we choose to follow Christ.  "for everyone born of God overcomes the world.  This is the victory that has overcome the world, even our faith.  Who is it that overcomes the world? Only he who believes that Jesus is the son of God."  1 John 5:4-5
Do you believe that Jesus is the son of God?  If yes - what does that make you?  It says right above in the scripture from John - that when you believe Jesus is the son of God - you are made an overcomer of this world.  There is no sin or circumstance that you are in that you can't achieve victory over.  God is greater than any seed of sin that may lie within us, and he is certainly greater than any addiction we may have.  He has the ability to reach in and take that seed out of us and restore us to wholeness and health.  But we also need to be active participants in the process... remember that following him and growing in him is a choice.  When you finally realize that your life needs a serious change and you're ready to do something about it, you are ready to start forcefully advancing his kingdom.  Take hold of the promises that God has for you.  And if you don't know what those promises are - pick up a bible and start pouring through - ask him to show you where to search, and then listen for the quiet whisper of his heart to yours.  God is alive!  He will speak to you - he will show you.  Kill your sheep mentality.  Sheep are weak.  Weak in the mind, weak in the body... wouldn't you rather be a warrior? This may all be a new concept to you - being forceful and aggressive probably aren't concepts that you hear preached in your church services are they... But the bible is full of strong and powerful people who did some very strong and aggressive actions.  The actions that come to my mind are not ones that involved great battles, they are actions done in a quiet strength but amazing drive and  aggressiveness.  Can you imagine wining a war by singing?  Or saving your family from genocide by fasting?   If you don't know what I mean, start by reading about some of the great battles in the bible by clicking on the following links.
These are just samples of many that are in the bible.  I encourage you to search out for yourself the truth that I have laid out for you.  Test me - don't just listen to what I say and agree - thats what sheep do.
   Can we close in prayer together...
God, in your glory and your power, you have given us the tools to be powerful and mighty in your kingdom.  Awaken the warrior spirits within each and every one of us and bless us with a new understanding of what it means to be a christian.  We are not a meek and defenseless people, we are strong in mind, body and spirit.  Strong and fit to do your will and forcefully advance your kingdom.  Give us the courage we need, surround us with support where we are lacking, release the voice in our hearts that has been crying out for the more of you and overpower the brain into submission of obedience Lord.  Subdue our enemies as we grow stronger.  Bestow upon us a greater boldness to speak life and truth.  We want your kingdom of heaven here on earth Lord, empower us to do your will.  In Jesus name... Amen!

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